A key guiding principle of the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce is the concept that blackberry control is more than science.

A key guiding principle of the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce is the concept that blackberry control is more than science. That is, we recognise there are various established control methods to manage blackberry, however, blackberry remains an issue across parts of the landscape. Therefore, blackberry management is just as much a socio-economic issue as it is an issue of scientific management.
That said, we do continue to support innovation in terms of biological control and promote innovative approaches to blackberry management and wider land-use change.
We believe that through meaningful engagement with communities, together progress can be made in managing blackberry and also to begin to address other land management issues. At a state-wide level, we take pride in transparency and accountability in decision making, and accurately reflecting the on-ground reality that communities face in terms of pest management.
For further information about our values, directions please refer to Victorian Blackberry Strategy 2014-2019 or our Annual Reports.

Contact the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce:
Victorian Blackberry Taskforce PO Box 536 Wodonga 3689
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