Victorian Blackberry Taskforce > Blog > blackberry management > PESTS PILOT PROJECT

The Victorian Blackberry Taskforce (VBT) has successfully applied for the Federal Government’s Partnerships Against Pests Pilot project funding.

The project funding will enable the VBT to continue engaging with community as landholders seek blackberry control information. The initiative includes an Invasive Species Forum, several blackberry control demonstrations, and a case study.

The Invasive Species Forum will be an opportunity for the non-scientific community to hear about current and potential scientific solutions to curb the impacts of established pest species such as blackberry, gorse, pigs, and rabbits. The event will be held next year on the 15 March at the Melbourne Museum. Expert speakers from the University Melbourne, Curtin University, Deakin University and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry will focus on innovative solutions including gene drive technology.

Six blackberry control demonstrations will be co-hosted with local community, giving local landholders the opportunity to see firsthand what best-practice methods are available to control European blackberry.

‘The project’ case study will document a rehabilitation project on a decommissioned
quarry at Beech Forest. The story will follow the landholders’ journey after purchasing the property. The case study interviews will be filmed and made available on the VBT website and hardcopy format.