Victorian Blackberry Taskforce > Blog > biological blackberry control > NON-CHEMICAL OPTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE BLACKBERRY CONTROL


Looking for some options to tackle blackberry? If you don’t want to use chemicals, or would simply like to reduce their usage, investigate these alternative suggestions.

Persistence is the key, especially when using non-chemical options only. Regular slashing, mulching and hoeing during the blackberry’s active growing season (Nov-April) will prevent seed set and dispersal and reduce the spread and growth of blackberry.

Remember, one of the most important goals is to stop your blackberry from dropping viable seed. A number of VBT resources on our Youtube channel provide background to using non-chemical options.

Mulchingbrushcutting and making a plan videos are all valuable starting points.

If you are using physical measures to reduce your chemical usage keep in mind that the extensive root system will remain in place and will regrow. If you intend to follow up with chemical, allow at least one metre of hardened re-growth before applying any synthetic chemical. (eg. metsulphuron methyl or picloram triclopyr)

There are certified organic products on the market which work differently to regular chemicals. There is a pine oil product which, when applied, strips the plant’s cell wall and kills viable weed seed. Several applications of this product are required during a blackberry’s active growing season. View the Nick Sell – Sustainable Formulations PTY LTD presentation for an overview.

Finally, the Managing Blackberry – Physical Control page on the VBT website lists a number of physical control methods. 

If you require further information on this article or anything else blackberry related, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly –