The VBT has thrown its support behind the Woodnook project, coordinated by the Northern Yarra Landcare Network, Northern Yarra Weeds Action Group and the Dixons Creek Landcare Group.
The project aims to improve the biodiversity of Dixons Creek, which has become increasingly weedy. This area is known as Manna Gum Riparian Forest and includes at least one rare species of plant, Eucalyptus fulgens.
The VBT will be a key partner in this initiative, which will utilise a relocatable fence to contain grazing goats as part of an integrated weed-control program. The goats will be closely monitored over one to two months during summer to ensure areas are not overgrazed. Once the goats are removed, the regrowth of weeds including blackberry will be treated with chemicals. This process will be repeated over five years, steadily moving the 500-metre fence downstream as each section is treated.
Melbourne Water will also partner the initiative via its Liveable Communities, Liveable Waterways Program. Private landholders adjacent to the project area will support the program by controlling their weeds including European blackberry. Extra care will be taken around vineyards, where chemical control will take place after harvest.

Blackberry infested manna gum riparian forest – Source: Rob Fallon (top)
Delivery of relocatable fencing (middle)
Grazing goats as part of an integrated weed-control program (bottom)
Contact the Victorian Blackberry Taskforce:
Victorian Blackberry Taskforce PO Box 536 Wodonga 3689
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